The Prenatal Acupuncture
The Care
Acupuncture is a safe approach to relieve various ailments that can bother a woman during pregnancy: nausea and vomiting, fatigue, stress, anxiety, etc.
This ancient therapeutic treatment uses needles inserted into key points on the body.
It also allows labor to be triggered if the term is exceeded. A moment of beneficial relaxation!
Good to Know
Prenatal acupuncture can be given at any time during pregnancy.
It can also be done before pregnancy to promote fertility or after to promote recovery.
60 min
The Benefits of Prenatal Acupuncture
Nausea relief
Improved sleep
Soothe back and leg pain
The Prenatal Massage
A treatment designed to ease prenatal tensions and meet the therapeutic needs of moms-to-be who are at least 12 weeks pregnant. This massage is given on a special stomach cushion or the right side. With prenatal shea butter (included).